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PUB 4491-X Corrections to VITA Publication
Print these pages to replace in your PUB 4012
Print these pages to replace in your PUB 4012
Never Stop Practicing-Reviewing-Learning
How old are you on a specific day?
Helpful when using Taxslayer's Simplified Method Worksheet |
Build Your Resume
Go on, brag about the amazing work you do! Helping Taxpayers access their
IRS accounts, and Types of Transcripts. For the Taxpayer
Resources to Share Resources for Everyone!
Helpful IRS Links |
Have a Question, Suggestion, or see a Mistake?
PUB 4012 (Volunteer Handbook) English
PUB 4012 (Espanol) PUB 6744 Volunteer Test Book PUB 4491 (Training Guide) PUB 4491-X--updated usually in January, it shows any corrections and additions made by IRS to PUB 4012, 6744, and 4491**ehy pubish this and DO NOT updated online PDFs PUB 17 (general rules for filing a federal income tax return) Where's My Refund? Where's My Amended Return? IPPIN Identity Theft PIN Link & Learn (visit my training page to learn more) |
You can contact me at [email protected]
Please note: I, Mary Meador, AM NOT a certified accountant or tax law expert. I volunteer with VITA providing free tax preparation for individuals and families whose income is less than $66,000 a year. We deal with simple returns at our sites. I cannot guarantee the accuracy of all the information on this site as tax laws change and I may not have a clear understanding of complicated issues. I am trying to provide basic tax preparation information for our volunteers to get started--remember Publication 4012 is your go-to resource for questions, as well as and Publication 17. I hope you find this information useful and easy to understand. Thanks for being a VITA/TCE volunteer!
**I am human, so if you find a mistake, please let me know so I can fix it--we are all in this together** All images from our UWLHG Canva account unless promoting the resource linked to |