Many VITA/TCE programs are growing and need new sites to host tax sites. Sometimes a program reaches out to a potential location, other times agencies reach out and request they become a site.
But what is needed to be a successful tax site? Every program has their own requirements, and what may work at one site may not work for another. (size, location, spacing, number of volunteers, availability, etc.). Below is some information shared by different programs, they have allowed I share their information here.
Feel free to use and modify for your needs. Thank you to everyone who shared their resources!!!
Review the documents below to get ideas, copy and modify as you see fit to your needs.
**There are even sample MOUs below
But what is needed to be a successful tax site? Every program has their own requirements, and what may work at one site may not work for another. (size, location, spacing, number of volunteers, availability, etc.). Below is some information shared by different programs, they have allowed I share their information here.
Feel free to use and modify for your needs. Thank you to everyone who shared their resources!!!
Review the documents below to get ideas, copy and modify as you see fit to your needs.
**There are even sample MOUs below
WHAT IS NEEDED TO START AN IN-PERSON FREE TAX PREP SITE: (shared by Debra Linderholm from United Way California Capital Region, thank you Debra!)
- A leader. A person at the location that is willing to take on the responsibility of running the site. This person does not need to be a tax expert or familiar with the program as the coalition will provide assistance and training to help. It is good to note, the more invested the person is in the program, the more successful the program will become.
- A volunteer pool. The coalition will provide the training, materials, and knowledge necessary to become certified as a tax preparer, but a potential program will thrive quicker if the organization has access to a potential pool of volunteers interested in learning about taxes. The pool does not have to necessarily be large as there are program models that will work with as few as two committed volunteers.
- A “Home”. Since tax season happens during the winter, a space that includes walls, ceiling, and heat is necessary. Sites can vary with space. Some organizations provide one large room and others provide individual office spaces for each volunteer. Most spaces work so long as volunteers are not sitting right next to one another and the space can provide a little sense of privacy.
- Parking and public access. Sites must be able to grant access to the public to the area(s) that volunteers will be preparing tax returns.
- Computers, printer(s), reliable internet connection, scanner (if running a drop-off site). The more of these resources an organization can provide, the better. However, the coalition can often step in and help with any resources that may be missing, including a hotspot for locations with unreliable internet connection.
- Other available resources. Other resources the coalition can provide include access to the e-Bus and all equipment needed for 1-2 volunteers to become a mobile tax preparation unit.
Information for Prospective Hosts--From New Hampshire Tax Help, thank you! -- Click image to go directly to their webpage or click here to open a Word document you can edit.
My finished products as of 7-15-2022
Click image to open your own copy to edit/review. |
Following document was shared by Tamara Kreigh from United Way of Greater Nashville, thanks you Tamara!
Click image to open your own copy to edit/review. Sample Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) shared by Thais Cain from Campaign for Working Families, Inc. Thanks Thais! Click image to open your own copy to edit/review.
After they review the above-- the following is a checklist to take while meeting the location contact and viewing the actual physical site. (We haven't had a chance to use yet and will probably modify in the future but it has I think covers almost everything). Click image to open your own copy to edit/review.
Lastly, I have created an MOU template.
Click image to open your own copy to edit/review. |
If you have any other information or forms about bringing on a new Host site that you would like to add to this page, please feel free to email them to me. Thanks to everyone for sharing!