Please keep in mind that the Practice Lab will be updated twice a week as we receive finalized forms and instructions from the IRS.
Practice Lab is available 24/7-365 so you can go in and get used to the software, enter scenarios for fun or to enter scenarios for the certification tests. There are a few ways to access the practice lab.
For a PDF on Acceessing Practice Lab click the image, or click this link for Slideshow/Powerpoint
Use Taxslayer's VITA Springboard click link-->
To gain access you need this password: TRAINPROWEB Then, create an account
You will enter your own username and password. Password must be 15+ characters long made up of Upper and Lowercase letters, numbers and one of these symbols: !@#?*& Write it down!!! |
Here is a perfect place to write it down if you can print this--
Once you have accessed Practice Lab you will see this screen.
FYI--There are 6 sections with training resources if you want to review them--
FYI--There are 6 sections with training resources if you want to review them--
- Section 1,2,3, and 5 are more for program managers and coordinators--you can disregard these.
- Section 4 & 6 are areas for tax preparers and reviewers --Section 4 shows how to do certain things within the software, Section 6 has practice scenarios and recorded webinars. (those get updated end of November-December)
Tips & Tricks for Taxslayer
- Use the navigation tree on the left to move around quickly
- Use the Search feature, it is really useful! Not sure where to enter a 1099-R? Type 1099R in the search engine twala! it appears! Try typing PIN, 1098t, etc. it's a very useful tool
- Click on the blue numbers on the summary screen to and it will take you back to the screen where you entered the data for quick review/editing and then, when you hit continue, it "should" take you back to the Summary page!
- After you enter information that generates a Schedule, you will see little printer icons appear on the menu. Click on the printer icon to see what the generated schedule looks like. (Schedule C, Schedule D, Schedule A-itemized deductions, etc.) Great for quick reviews and for catching errors--seeing if your Schedule C is at a loss, etc.
- Warning: Most of the time the summary screen does not display accurately as forms change and programming isn't completed--so it is best to generate a PDF of the return to see an accurate view of your return.
A nice feature in Taxslayer, when you have entered something that generates a Schedule, like a Schedule C for self-employment, or Schedule D for capital Gains, Itemizing for Schedule A, or Interest/Dividends for Schedule B, -- you can quickly view the Schedule from the Income menu without having to go all the way to the summary screen.
Just click the printer icons |